5 Treatment Tips for Severe Acne Problems

Change up your daily hygiene regimen.
Most acne specialists and people who have successfully fought severe acne recommend washing your face at least twice each day (morning and night), preferably with an acne soap or an exfoliant. Be cautious not to use a medicated soap that’s too strong, since this can cause excessive dryness and scaling, which may lead to more breakouts. Overly dry skin often reacts to dryness by overproducing oils, which can cause even more breakouts, so following face washings with a light, oil-free moisturizer is a must.

Take vitamins. Sometimes, severe acne can be caused by nutritional deficiencies and imbalances within the body. Your skin needs certain vitamins, and severe acne can be a sign you’re simply not getting enough vitamins. Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend a good multi-vitamin and take it regularly. Be sure to find a multi-vitamin that contains plenty of Vitamin A, zinc and chromium, or try taking supplements to ensure you’re getting these specific nutrients. Vitamin A is important for maintaining healthy skin, as are zinc and chromium.

Try an anti-acne diet. The benefit of an anti-acne diet extends beyond treating acne. Anti-acne diets recommended by dietitians and acne specialists focus on eliminating starchy, oily and processed foods. A hardcore anti-acne diet might cut out all white flour, white sugar, trans fats, red meat, oily foods and all processed foods, focusing instead on foods rich in fiber and vitamins such as vitamin A, zinc and chromium. Carrots, beans, peas, clams, spinach and turkey are all foods which are high in vitamin A, zinc or chromium, ideal for a serious anti-acne diet.

Try different over-the-counter acne products. There are many popular anti-acne products available over the counter, and finding one that effectively treats your severe acne may require some experimentation and research. It seems that different products are effective for different people, so the only way to find out which product will work best on your skin is to sample top acne products.

Ask your dermatologist for a prescription medication. If all else fails, a prescription acne medication might be the solution. Your dermatologist should be able to help you explore your options for prescription treatments by showing you products which fit with your particular symptoms and skin type. A few top rated prescription acne medication products include Acnepril, MD Clear Acne Pill and Acneticin.

Source "Themenpen"
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